How can you use coaching to help your team avoid burnout?

Burnout is on my mind this week. I tuned into the latest episode of the Surviving the Stacks podcast, and a lot of the conversation connected with the reasons I’m so invested in helping library leaders develop coaching skills. They discussed three key issues that influence workplace burnout, based on the scholarly literature: competence, relatedness, and autonomy. You can help your team with all three of these by developing a coaching approach. The way they use competence is more complex than…

How do you show up with a coaching mindset even when you’re frustrated?

In case you missed it: be sure to grab 7 ways you can use coaching to build a more inclusive culture with your team (even in areas that are hostile to DEI efforts)! Maintaining a coaching mindset – being open, curious, and flexible – is the foundation for using a coaching approach to leadership. To be able to effectively help your team members find the useful lessons they can take away from a mistake or figure out some productive next steps in a tricky situation, you need to be able to tap…